FlipShare er en gratis video redigering og organisering af værktøj.
FlipShare er en gratis video redigering og organisering af oprindeligt designet til at betjene brugere af Flip video-kameraer.
Men FlipShare kommer også med attraktive udviklings muligheder.
Dette program modtog 1 præmier
Denne software blev kontrolleret for virusser og blev vurderet sikker. Klik her for at se antivirusrapport.
114 MB
Anyone have an Idea what Language the firmware is written in, so that a new firmware can be written to addressed expanding the Date? This is year 2024 and my flip will longer bring up the setup screen after a battery change.
I have a bunch of old Flipshare vids on my Mac dating back to 2009. Will this software enable me to export them to cloud storage?
Jimmy, It should do yes.
Easy to download, now to test what works.
Martin, I have 1000 videos in my 2023 MacBook Pro that can’t open the videos. Is there an app that will allow me to view them again?